Best Buys - Waldecks

Episode: 8
Title: Best Buys - Waldecks
Broadcast: 24th October 2015
Presenter: Chris Ferreira

Gardens are only as good the soil they are grown in, great design ensures the right plants go in the right place for the right and importantly, the quality of the plants themselves is a paramount to success.

  • Go to a nursery that knows what they are talking about and has years of experience growing plants for our challenging WA conditions. Waldecks is one such example, their accumulated understanding and research means they will have honed their range of plants to make sure they grow the best species and varieties.
  • Plants thrive in the best environments; potting mix is a fantastic mixture with the perfect balance of nutrients, organic matter and slow release fertiliser.
  • A great nursery like Waldecks will be very strict on quality control, making sure that only the strongest plants, free of disease, make out to the shop front.

Waldecks – Contact: 08 9254 6730

