Garden Express - Bulbs Offer
Episode: 8
Title: Garden Express Story - Bulbs
Broadcast: 7 May 2016
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane
Trevor introduces some handy tips for when and where to plant your Spring flowering bulbs.
- If you want Spring flowers, you need to plant them in the Autumn. Spring flowering plants benefit when planted in Autumn.
- Varieties like the Black Pearl Lily are easy to grow, plant them along the outside of the pot for dense foliage and flowering with beautiful white flowers with black centers.
- Planting daffodils and tulips in the middle of a pot and you’ll end up with beautiful, colourful flowering.
- Whenever planting, make sure to cultivate the soil that you intend to plant them in. This ensures that the roots can penetrate easily and that the soils are alive with oxygen and microbes.
- You can order your own Spring Bulbs at Garden Express; 10 Individual Packs valued $75.00, you can get them from Garden Express for only $29.00. Order fast though, this deal will be running for a limited.
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