
Episode: 3
Title: Solahart
Broadcast: August 27th
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane

Having a great garden is all about living in a healthy world. We are changing dramatically and people want to know what they can do to play their part in living in a more sustainable way. The footprint we leave should be one that is environmentally friendly and it’s something we can all achieve with a solar hot water system from Solahart.

  • The single biggest consumer of power in the home and producer of greenhouse gas emissions is the electric water heater. Helping leading the way in reducing this impact is Solahart, who started building and developing new hot water systems over 60-years ago.
  • Over a million Solahart hot water systems have been installed since they were first created and the way they work is quite incredible. Sun doesn’t just provide energy to your plants or photovoltaic cells, using it to heat water could reduce your household hot water energy consumption by 50-90 per cent.
  • Solahart will even come to your house and conduct a solar audit on your house free of charge! The installation of a solar hot water system will make a significant saving on your water bill and there are also federal government incentives.
  • Did you know? Six 5-6year old trees can take the equivalent greenhouse gas emissions of one small vehicle out of the atmosphere every year. 6 square meters of grass equals the equivalent of oxygen you breath each day into the atmosphere around your home.

P: 1300 721 984

