Joondanna Community Garden

Episode: 6
Title: Joondanna Community Garden
Broadcast: Sunday Dec 11th 5:30pm
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane

There’s something happening in communities all over Australia at the moment that’s bringing a great sense of community. The ability to grow food and provide education all at once is community gardens, and Trev takes us to a great one in the City of Stirling in Perth.

  • The garden at Joondanna Community Garden is a not for profit initiative that was the first in the City of Stirling and it’s a shining example of how a space can be embraced, used and cared for by the community.
  • Members grow their own food with underlying themes such as reducing and managing waste as well as gardening in a waterwise way.
  • Trevor speaks to Community Garden Member, Kim Frankowiak, about the compost bins, the mixing of gardens own compost, the chicks, beehives and their phenomenal worm farm.
  • The garden has a community garden for the community members to harvest and help themselves, as well as lease plots.
  • The gardens loved and looked after 30-40 local members and if you want to get involved Joondanna Community Garden is open to anyone. Just visit their Facebook page.

The Garden Gurus

