Episode: 5
Title: Blueberries
Broadcast: Apr 15
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane
Blueberries are nature’s super food: sweet, plump and jam packed with antioxidants. Today Mel shows us one variety of blueberries that is a high-yielding Australian breed you need to keep an eye out for.
- Blueberry Burst has burst its way onto the plant market about 4 or 5 years ago thanks to PlantNet. It was the first blueberry to be made available to Australian gardeners for over 20 years and boy has it made an impression!
- If you grow burst you’ll get sweet, extra large, plumb blueberries fresh from your own backyard and it’s not just the plant that’s productive, it’s beautiful too. You get lush, evergreen foliage, coloured new growth, really pretty berries and of course beautiful flowers too. This is a plant that looks good in every season.
- It’s a dwarf variety so it only gets to about 1mt tall and makes a fantastic low border or a hedge. It also has a low chilling requirement so you can grow it in either warmer or cooler climates.
- Blueberry burst fruits early in the season so you’ll be picking for months.
- If you want this plant performing great in a pot, try using a 55/55 mix of large pine bark and azalea and camellia potting mix to help separate the matting root system, provide good drainage and the right ph. It’s what the growers recommend!
- Look out for Blueberry Burst at your local independent nursery in most states or better yet get your hand on it right now at PlantNet’s online shop.
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