Panton Hill Primary School
Episode: 1
Title: Panton Hill Primary School
Broadcast: August 19, 2017
Presenter: Melissa King
Today, Melissa is at Panton Hill Primary School, a hidden gem with a great community feel, to see what the kids are all so excited about.
- Creating positive eating habits start when we’re young, so what better way to connect kids to the food they’re eating, than by teaching them how to grow, harvest, prepare, and celebrate fresh seasonal food.
- Panton Hill Primary School is nestled in the foothills of the beautiful Kinglake Ranges, and Melissa has come here to chat to the kids about their garden classroom.
- Cassidy, a student here at Panton Hill, enjoys planting with her whole class, whereas Jackson likes onions because he likes how you can put onions in different recipes.
- The students cook with the produce they grow, making soups and pasta sauces. They come out on a Friday afternoon and just relax in the garden, doing work here and there,
- Even the whole school is involved in the garden!
The Garden Gurus