Strong Healthy Plants

Episode: 6
Title: Strong Healthy Plants
Broadcast: April 7th 2018
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane

It’s the Melbourne International Flower and Garden show and Trevor is there to share his secrets to gardening success with us.

  • Plants are just like us, they need small amounts of nutrients on a regular basis, in-fact daily, in addition to a diet comprehensive in micro or macro nutrients and if you have that, you will get the very best performance when it comes to flowers and fruit.
  • By spraying the nutrients over the foliage and allowing it to be absorbed, it acts so much more efficiently and is particularly effective for very high energy plants, flowerers such as roses or fruiting plants as well.
  • Seasol Foliar is a specially developed formulation with neutralized odour and is pre-mixed at exactly the right levels so the plants won’t burn or set back and comes in a trigger pack, so you can shake it and spray over the foliage and the plant starts feeding straight away.
  • By applying nutrients this way, the plant is stronger and healthier and is able to fight off pests and diseases so much more effectively and the addition of Seasol means the plant is able to handle environment extremes such as drought so much better than it normally would.

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