Growing Your Own Food

Episode: 10
Title: Growing Your Own Food
Broadcast: October 27th 2018
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane

Growing your own food at home is better for you because you know what’s gone into delivering it to the table.. but how do you do it?

  • Firstly, an open sunny position is vitally important… most vegies love full sun in the spring, and a little afternoon shade in summer is always good.
  • Minerals and beneficial soil microbes, for that I just add this unique fertilizer, it has 24 carefully selected beneficial microbes that do all sorts of good things including turning the 60 micro and macro nutrients in the controlled release minerals into soluble fertilizer for the plants in it. That cultivated into the top soil boosts the soil fertility and nutrient levels.
  • Soil preparation is vitally important, organics are vitally important but so is having a free draining soil.
  • One of the most important things is making sure you use only quality plants. If its seedlings don't buy plants that are yellow or taller than the label in the punnet. To remove them squeeze one side of the cell and then the other and ease the seedlings out gently avoiding damaging roots.
  • Once your seedlings are in the soil you can pretty much lets them do their own thing for the first 4 weeks, they need so get their roots established and at that point a liquid feed with Powerfeed liquid weekly will do amazing things.
  • The other thing for me is making sure you only plant what you will actually eat.. too often we grow lots of things we don't eat much of. Stick to the things you love to eat and plant every two weeks so you rotate the crops delivery, these things mean you have on going harvests.

