Autumn Project

Segment: Autumn Project
Episode: 6
Presenter: Bonnie-Marie Hibbs
TX Date: 28th March 2020

Autumn is the perfect time of year to get creative and start a new project in your garden.

  • As the weather is cooling down, this is an ideal time to start planting.
  • If you have any wine barrels sitting around, you can turn them into a feature in your garden – they make a perfect container for combination planting.
  • Make sure to drill drainage holes into the base of the barrel.
  • Use a premium potting mix to fill the barrel – look for the red tick on the bag. Fill the barrel to about half a foot from the top.
  • You can use grasses as the main focal point in a mix combo, as they add a lot of height and texture. A grass such as miscanthus comes in a variety of different forms, and will eventually produce soft fluffy flowers.
  • When it comes to the mid-layer, you can use a bunch of plants to add to the cottage-feel of the project. Look for plants that will contrast each other beautifully.
  • When making a combination pot, you need your thriller, your filler, and then your spiller. Look for a plant with beautiful foliage and a compact habit.
  • You can have a lot of fun with larger containers in the garden by creating seasonal displays such as this one, or you can create a native mix or miniature bee friendly garden.

