Feeding Your Lawn

Segment: Feeding Your Lawn
Episode: 8
Presenter: Nigel Ruck
TX Date: 11th April 2020

Autumn is an important time for lawns – what you do now will help prepare it for spring.

  • As daylight hours gradually reduce in autumn, start raising the mowing height to keep your lawn longer. Longer leaves allow for better photosynthesis and help reduce week germination and damage from wear and tear.
  • In shaded areas, keep your lawn longer than in full sun. This applies all year round – it has to do with photosynthesis.
  • Feeding your lawn in autumn gives it an important dose of nutrients much needed after the summer growth. These nutrients allow it to rejuvenate and build up health before the cooler winter months.
  • You can mix it up through the growing season with a combination of liquids, organic pellets and controlled release fertiliser. You can get even distribution over your lawn by using a spreader.
  • You’ve got some nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are essential for all around healthy growth, as well as a range of trace elements, Seasol and billions of beneficial soil microbes.
  • Once you’ve applied your fertiliser, water it in straight away to activate and avoid any potential burning of the leaves. Applying when it’s raining will save water.
  • Your lawn becomes more dormant as we head into winter, which is when weeds can start becoming an issue. Be sure to stay on top of the weeds, either by hand weeding or using a weed and feed product, as 1 years seed is 7 years weed.
  • Compaction can be an issue in winter, and compacted soils cause all sorts of issues – crushed soils affect drainage, nutrient and air penetration. You can use a fork for smaller areas, and for larger areas there is the water filled spike roller.

