Areas, Volumes and Calculations

Segment: Areas, Volumes and Calculations
Episode: 11
Presenter: Nigel Ruck
TX Date: 2 May 2020

Nigel gives you some handy tips and calculations you can use when doing basic home landscaping.

  • If you’re interested in landscaping your garden, the first thing to do is to sketch the whole garden showing all the main elements.
  • If you’re looking to lay mulch or pavement and you want to find the area of the space you’re plotting, use Nige’s simple calculation: (Side 1 + Side 3 / 2) x (Side 2 + Side 4/2 = Area
  • Once you know your area, you can do a simple calculation to find out how much soil or mulch you need. For instance, if you wanted 100ml of soil the calculation would be: Area x 0.1 = Cubic metres of soil/mulch.
  • If you’re looking to put pop-up sprinklers in your garden, there’s a simple technique you can use to tell you your flow rate. Take a 10l bucket and time how long it takes to fill up the bucket in seconds, then use this calculation: (Bucket Volume / Fill Time ) x 60 = Flow Rate
  • With that information, you can figure out how many pop-ups you can put on one line!

