Planting Winter Veggies
Segment: Planting Winter Veggies
Episode: 11
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane
TX Date: 2 May 2020
In today’s trying times, growing your own has never been more important. Trevor shows you what you should be growing this season.
- Home gardening has never been easier. You would be amazed at what fruit and vegetables you can grow, just in your own backyard or community garden!
- As the seasons change from Autumn to Winter so do the types of plants you’ll want to grow. Between seasons there is a lot of variety there for you to grow your own and home. Plus, homegrown harvest always tastes better!
- The crucifer or brassica family of plants are better known as the cabbage family. These vegetables are perfect to grow this season.
- The cabbage family includes broccoli, Brussel sprouts, kale and cauliflower and are pretty much treated the same way no matter which one you grow.
- First, you want to make sure you always enrich the soil. Adding composted material helps, but it’s important to remember that minerals are vitally important for our bodies. They require a complex diet of micro and macro nutrients so using a good quality fertiliser is important!
- Scratching into the surface of the soil is a great start. It activates the mineral release and lets the beneficial bugs go to work, stimulating root growth.
- The brassicas will tolerate shade, but an open brightly lit sunny garden is preferred.