Benefits of Birdbaths
Story: Benefits of Birdbaths
Episode: 7
Presenter: Calinda Anderson
Air Date: 10 April 2021
There is nothing more beautiful than a garden full of life. Calinda reveals her secret that is sure to help anyone create an oasis buzzing with life in their very own backyard.
- A birdbath is something that anyone can create, a simple raised shallow bowl is all that is required, or you can select from the different designs of birdbaths available.
- Some designs allow for the bath itself to be easily lifted off. This is ideal for quick cleaning.
- Bowls that are shallow are best, as deeper baths can present a drowning risk to small birds.
- Ideally position the birdbath where there is some shelter nearby, but with a clear flight path in and out.
- Keep the water clean and topped up in the birdbath, as over time birds will learn that it is a reliable source of water and will return regularly to your garden.
- To ensure your birdbath is always full, install a drip line. Make sure the outlet is higher than the water level of the birdbath otherwise, when the reticulation turns off, it will syphon back out again
- Installing a drip line for your birdbath will greatly reduce the need to clean it, as it will get flushed out twice a week.