Small space gardening

Story: Small space gardening
Episode: 11
Presenter: Linda Ross
Air Date: 5th November 2022

Linda in encapsulated by beautiful hanging baskets, but what amazing tool does she have that can help water these beauties?

  • Not everyone has a lovely big garden, or you could be renting and can’t lay down anything too permanent.
  • You can grow veggies and herbs at home in a garden of any size – patio, balcony or even a sunny windowsill! You can grow in pots or containers that suit your space.
  • When growing in containers, soil quality is extremely important as the plant cannot seek its own nutrients in the ground.
  • If using a potting mix, make sure to choose an Australian Standards Premium Potting Mix. If making your own soil, create a well-draining mix enriched with compost or fertiliser. Continue to add fertiliser as the plant grows to replace used nutrients. Water when the soil is dry. Smaller or porous pots like terracotta will dry out faster.
  • Container garden range – varieties specifically bred to be compact and grown in containers. Need larger pots because they are heavy feeding plants that produce fruit.
  • If you have no outdoor space at all, you can grow the small pots varieties on a windowsill. Herbs do particularly well in these when picked regularly.
  • Not everyone has a lovely big garden, or you could be renting and can’t lay down anything too permanent.
  • You can grow veggies and herbs at home in a garden of any size – patio, balcony or even a sunny windowsill! You can grow in pots or containers that suit your space.

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