Garden Express Grevillea deal

Story: Garden Express Grevillea deal
Episode: 3
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane
Air Date: 19th August

Trevor has another deal direct from the King’s Park Botanical team direct to our houses: the gorgeous Grevillea.

  • There are 5 gorgeous Grevillea types available for purchase from Garden Express: Outback Sunrise, Pink Prousion, Spirit of Anzac, Red Coral and Panrock Princess! (Panrock Princess is not a King’s Park Variety).
  • Ordinarily $8.90 each, Garden Gurus viewers get an exclusive 25% off when buying these five as a package. That’s $33, down from $44.50!
  • They also have individual plants in 140mm pots including the highly sought after Kings Park bred Red Coral, Scarlet moon, Showtime, Pink Profusion and Aphrodite's dream, and they have gone from $24.90 to just $22.40, 10% off for garden gurus viewers.
  • There’s a shortage of these new releases out there at the moment and now is the time to plant them, so don’t miss out, jump in and place your order.

For more information, head to:

