The Gardeners toolbox: #10 - Dynamic Lifter
Story: The Gardeners toolbox: #10 - Dynamic Lifter
Episode: 13
Presenter: Nigel Ruck
Air Date: 28th October 2023
Nigel recognises the days of chook-poop are numbered when you have much more efficient lawn fertiliser!
- Just like a house needs a solid foundation, plants need good soil. Enriching your soil before planting with a concentrated source of organic material, like Yates DYNAMIC LIFTER®ORGANIC PLANT FOOD & SOIL IMPROVER, will help create nutrient-rich soil for healthy, productive plants.
- Yates Dynamic Lifter contains composted chicken manure, fish meal, blood & bone and seaweed that are compressed and pelletised together to slowly release into soil.
- Among the benefits of Yates Dynamic Lifter, it improves soil water and nutrient-holding capacity, as well as soil structure, it encourages earthworms and soil microorganisms whilst providing gentle slow release organic nutrients. It has been approved for use in organic gardens.
- Yates DYNAMIC LIFTER ORGANIC PLANT FOOD is ideal to use on all garden plants, all year round, including natives. Be sure to keep your gloves on for safety!
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