Yates Natures Way Organic Weed Spray
Episode: 12
Title: Yates Natures Way Organic Weed Spray
Broadcast: Sat Oct 29th
Presenter: Trevor
Trev shows us a product that can help to control a wide range of common weeds and grasses found around the home and garden including dandelion, clover, broadleaf weeds, algae and moss.
- Many people feel like organic weed control isn’t an option at home but now it is!
- More of us want to use fewer pesticides in the garden and now they have added a great addition for those wanting to control weeds in a more natural way.
- Yates Natures Way Organic Weed Spray stops the movement of moisture into plant membranes, making weeds begin to collapse straight away.
- Apply only to the plants you want to kill because this stuff works quick!
W: www.yates.com.au