Maximise the Use of Your Watertank

Story Title: Maximise the Use of Your Watertank
Episode: Six
Broadcast Date: 21st October 2012
Presenter: Adam Woodhams

Nearly everyone loves a rainy day. It's a great excuse to stay inside and our plants love the free water too! Water is becoming such a precious resource these days that it's important to know exactly how to take advantage of your annual rainfall.

Rainwater tanks

  • A 7000 litre rainwater tank is the perfect size to have plumbed into your laundry and toilets at home. You can even connect a greywater system to your laundry so that the rainwater is used twice.
  • A 7000 litre tank is also perfect for your typical suburban backyard and can be used to water your garden, clean the car or fill the swimming pool.
  • To collect as much rainwater as possible, ensure the tank is connected to the gutter drain system of your home or garage. This way the water will run directly into the rainwater tank.

Featured Products
Rainwater harvesting systems


