Waldecks growing nursery
Episode: 9
Title: Waldecks growing nursery
Broadcast: Sunday January 8th 2017
Presenter: Christina Morrissy
One of the secrets of a successful garden here in our challenging climate is to source your seedlings and mature plants from a nursery that grows right here in WA, meaning they are suitable and ready for our long hot days, and Waldecks Pinelake wholesale nursery does just that.
- Wholesale nurseries are not usually open to the public, but today Chrissy has a great opportunity with employee David to see just how the plants are grown in this state of the art nursery.
- The nursery spanning 2-3 acres in size, includes a shade house containing indoor shade suitable plants.
- Supplying plants in the tens of thousands to the local industry and not to mention jobs -the majority of people that work here are horticulture certified and have around 5- 10 years experience in the industry.
- It’s important to source your plants grown locally to make sure they are suited to the harsh climate- especially with WA’s hot dry weather.
- Waldecks is the only grower in WA currently growing the Yacon plant, or it’s more commonly known name the Peruvian ground apple, it is said to have excellent health benefits. Grown for it's sweet tasting tubers and crunchy flesh the flavor of which has been most closely compared to a pear, it can be used in a wide range of dishes and drinks. It is often used as a sweetener in drinks and tea/coffee.
- Pine Lake’s range spans from numerous succulents, ficus lyrata- the fiddle leaf fig, trees, herbs and edibles.
P: (08) 9309 5088
W: www.waldecks.com.au