Getting The Most From Your Roses

Story Title: Getting The Most From Your Roses
Episode: Ten
Broadcast Date: 26/10/13
Presenter: Kim Syrus

If you think roses are a difficult plant to grow then think again, Kim our resident rose expert is here to help you enjoy their beauty.

Top Tips For Success

  • Always select your rose for height first. It's no point buying a plant that grows to 2 metres when you want a 1.2 metre grower. All that will happen, is as the plant grows, you'll lose the flowers as you cut it back
  • Spend the time on ensuring your new rose is planted correctly. First dig the hole twice as big as the pot. This allows the plant's roots to easily work their way through the back filled soil
  • Next add a couple of handfuls of well-aged organic matter to the hole like cow manure, mushroom compost or similar. Stir that into the soil. Place the rose in and make sure the bud union is a few centimeters above ground level and backfill
  • After this its time to add a slow release fertiliser and Kim's top tip is not to add it into the hole but on top of the soil
  • Once your rose is planted, fed and watered, add some mulch and keep your watering's to one or two deep soaks per week for a month or two, then back to once a week after that

Featured Products

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