Yates – Citrus Leaf miner

Episode: 1
Title: Yates – Citrus Leaf miner
Broadcast: 7th March
Presenter: Kim

The Garden Gurus is all about giving great garden advice and the shed is the place we head to when something in the house or garden needs fixing. Kim teams up with Yates to repel the Citrus Leaf Miner.

  • Yates PestOil helps control citrus leaf miner by deterring adult leaf miner moths from laying their eggs onto sprayed leaves, it also smothers eggs that are already there.

  • PestOil serves as a preventative measure, before the leaf miner larvae tunnel through new citrus leaves, leaving trails and distorting the leaves.

  • Apply PestOil every 5 – 14 days as required. Spray when new growth is approximately 4cm long. Ensure all leaves are sprayed on both sides.

  • PestOil comes in an easy RTU formula and a concentrate.

  • The special formulation includes UV inhibitors which reduces potential leaf burn during hot weather.

  • PestOil can also be used to control scales, mites, mealybug, aphids and white fly on citrus, grapes, fruit trees, roses and ornamentals.

Contact: Yates  1300 369 074 

