Edgy Style

Story Title: Edgy Style
Episode: One
Broadcast Date: 23rd March 2013
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane

Nothing smells nicer then freshly cut grass, however if you don't clean up the edges your garden will look like a shaggy dog with a bad haircut. Using a whipper snipper isn't a bad idea but for the professional look you can't go past a lawn edger and this particular model is more affordable then you think.

Cut it like a Pro

  • This lawn edger is perfect for the small to medium garden due to its 1400 watt electric motor
  • It can be set to three depth settings and has a twin handle that allows for greater control and balance over the operation of the machine
  • It doesn't matter how tall or short you are as this edger comes with a telescopic handle that allows for height adjustment
  • The edger will have your friends asking who your lawn mower man is and its available at your local Bunnings store

Featured Products
- LWE 1400 Lawn Edger

T: (03) 9238 5555
E: enquiries@ozito.com.au

